:: Tennai (Greetings) From Sunny Peshlon! :: Thank you for your interest in Peshlon. We regret that the ongoing inadequacy of funding for the supposedly "critical mission"* of the Tourist Office prevents us from being of greater help to foreigners interested in learning more about our country. However, one of the historic strengths of the Peshloni people is our resilience in the face of needless hardship, and in this spirit we offer what assistance we can to those with an interest in visiting Peshlon or sharing in our vibrant culture. From the history and culture of Theveshan to the untamed scenic beauty of Yertajo; from the sleepy villages of Met Alshan to the wild and sophisticated nightlife of the Novo Lisboa Gold Coast, Peshlon has it all. Our wildlife, our beaches and our friendly citizens beckon. If not for the futility of it all, we would urge you to choose Peshlon for your next vacation. As it is, we wish you "pirnovad," or the best luck that can reasonably be hoped for under the circumstances. :: An Overview of Peshlon :: As the office's operating budget is barely enough to cover stamps, we are forced to rely on the few available external sources of information about Peshlon. The best of these is the 2001 CIA World Factbook, which covered Peshlon in its unreleased "Aurora Section." Unfortunately this section was discontinued in subsequent editions. Some data may have changed since publication.
* President Sanramerah, campaign rally, PTO Theveshan office, August 8, 2000 |